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Financial Aid Forms: Understanding The Steps
How to Submit Your Form(s)
E-forms are submitted directly online and will require the student to verify their student login.
Physical forms (or PDFs)
- Upload online (recommended!) using the Financial Aid Document Submission page. The link is also found in the Student Center on the bottom right, under the Financial Aid Links section.
- In-person at the Student Service Center in Lassen Hall, Room 1000. There is a drop box on the left side of the entrance.
- Postal-mail to 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6044. Attention Lassen Hall, Room 1000.
Important! Financial Aid forms should never emailed due to sensitive data and will not be accepted.
Document upload issues? If you are experiencing issues uploading your financial documents through your Student Center, use a compatible browser such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer.
Student Change In Aid (e-Form)
Adjustments include increasing or decreasing award amounts, reinstating or canceling aid, and reporting any changes to their financial aid file.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "Change In Aid (e-Form)" below.
- Selection the applicable option to the student’s request.
- Follow the instructions on the form to submit online.
2024-2025 Change in Aid Form (e-form)
The current form applies to Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025
Apply for the Parent Plus Loan
The Direct Parent PLUS Loan is a credit-based parent loan offered to eligible dependent students that file a FAFSA. If eligible, award amounts are typically listed on the student’s school account, My Sac State. This loan is intended for a parent borrower to pursue on behalf of the student to assist with college expenses.
There are no forms required, simply follow the steps below.
Steps for the Parent to Apply
- Log into Federal Student Aid with PARENT FSA ID
- Under the “Loans and Grants” drop-down, select “PLUS Loans: Grad PLUS and Parent PLUS”
- Select “Learn More” in the section labeled “I am a Parent of a Student.”
- Select Start. Under “Select an Award Year,” select the academic year you are requesting the loan for.
- In the School and Loan Information section, the loan period is August through May of the academic year (example: 08/2024 – 05/2025).
Complete the items below:
- Under the “Loans and Grants” drop-down, select “Complete Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment.” Click “Start” under the section "I am a Parent of an Undergraduate Student.” Complete acknowledgement.
- Complete the PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN). On the MPN, be sure to correctly list the student’s name, date of birth, and social security number.
Due to the credit decision made by the lender, the parent may use the following to pursue the PLUS Loan:
- Appeal the credit decision with the Direct Loan Servicing Center (800-557-7394)
- If the appeal is approved then complete the “IF APPROVED” section.
- Complete PLUS Counseling at Federal Student Aid
- Use a co-signer by having the individual login to Federal Student Aid and complete an Endorser Addendum.
- Complete PLUS Counseling at Federal Student Aid
The student needs to monitor their My Sac State for the parent loan updates.
Parent Asset Information Form
Parents of dependent students may be selected to verify their assets. If required, this form will be requested on the Student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Parent Asset Informative"(PDF) form below.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Obtain all required signatures. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
Parent Household Size and Number in College Verification
Parents of dependent students may be selected to verify their household members and number in college. If required, this form will be requested the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Parent Household Size and Number in College Verification"(PDF) Form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Obtain all required signatures. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent Household Size and Number in College Verification
Parent Income Verification
Parents of dependent students may be selected to verify their reported income on the student’s financial aid application If required, this form will be requested from the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Parent Income Verification"(PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Obtain all required signatures. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent(s) Income Verification
Parent Marital Status Verification
Parents of dependent students may be selected to verify their parent’s marital status due to conflicting information listed on the student’s financial aid application or documents that were submitted. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Parent Marital Status"(PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Obtain all required signatures. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent Marital Status Verification
Parent Means Of Support Verification
Parents of dependent students may be selected to verify other financial support or benefits received. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Parent Means of Support Verification"(PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Obtain all required signatures. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent Means of Support Verification
Parent Tax Transcript Cover Sheet
Parents of dependent students will attach this form to their parent’s IRS Tax Return Transcripts as the cover sheet if they were not able to transfer their tax information on the FAFSA online. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Parent Tax Transcript Cover Sheet" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Use ANY method under the “How to Request an IRS Tax Return Transcript” section on the form to request for the physical/digital transcript from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Review the details based on the best option for the parent.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number is listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent Tax Transcript Cover Sheet
Parent Amended Tax Return (1040X) Cover Sheet
Parents of dependent students will attach this form to the parent’s Federal Amended Tax Return (1040X) as the cover sheet. This form is required if there were changes reported by the IRS or made by the parent since the filing of their taxes. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Parent Amended Tax Return" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Obtain a copy of the parent’s Amended 1040X AND tax return transcript. Follow the instructions on the form.
- Review the details based on the best option for the parent.
- The parent will need to sign their tax document. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent Amended Tax (1040x) Return Transcript Cover Sheet
Parent Verification Of Non-Filing Letter Cover Sheet
Parents of dependent students who did not file taxes or did not earn income must submit the Verification of Non-filing from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Parent Verification of Non-filing" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Use ANY method under the “How to Request a Verification of Non-filing Letter” section on the form to request the physical/digital letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Review the details based on the best option for the parent.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Parent Verification of Non-Filing Letter
Graduate/Professional Direct Plus Loan Request Form
The Graduate Federal Direct PLUS loan is offered to FAFSA-eligible students pursuing a graduate degree. This is a credit-based loan and is automatically offered on the student’s financial aid award letter. This form is required to request and pursue the loan.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Graduate/Professional Direct Plus Loan Request Form"(PDF) below.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Gather the necessary documents applicable to the “If Approved” or “If Denied” sections of the form. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Graduate / Professional Direct PLUS Loan Request Form
College Of Continuing Education (CCE) Information Request (e-Form)
This form applies to students who applied for admission to a degree program through our College of Continuing Education (CCE). If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "College of Continuing Education (CCE) Information Request” (e-Form) below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- List the applicable classes to the semester(s) of attendance.
- Follow the instructions on the form to submit online.
2024-2025 College of Continuing Education (CCE) Information Request (e-form)
Unaccompanied Youth Form
Students who indicated that they are an unaccompanied youth (i.e., homeless, or self-supporting, and at risk of being homeless) on their financial aid application will be required to submit verification. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Unaccompanied Youth" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Sign and date the form along with other application verifications. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- Follow the instructions on the form to submit online.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Unaccompanied Youth Form
Unclassified Graduate Questionnaire Form
Students who declare they are Unclassified Graduates for the school year will need to verify their status to determine their financial aid eligibility. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Unclassified Graduate Questionnaire" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Unclassified Graduate Questionnaire Form
Student Tax Transcript Cover Sheet
The student may be selected to verify their federal income tax from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if it was not verified on their financial aid application. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Student Tax Transcript Cover Sheet" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Use ANY method under the “How to Request an IRS Tax Return Transcript” section on the form to request the physical/digital transcript from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Review the details based on the best option for the student.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number are listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit this form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Student Tax Transcript Cover Sheet
Student Amended Tax Return (1040X) Cover Sheet
The student may be selected to verify changes on their federal income taxes since the initial tax filing. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Student Amended Tax Return" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Obtain a copy of the student’s Amended 1040X AND tax return transcript. Follow the instructions on the form.
- Review the details based on the best option for the student.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number are listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Student Amended Tax (1040x) Return Transcript Cover Sheet
Student Verification Of Non-Filing Letter
Students who did not file taxes or did not earn income must submit the Verification of Non-filing from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Student Verification of Non-filing" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Use ANY method under the “How to Request a Verification of Non-filing Letter” section on the form to request the physical/digital letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Review the details based on the best option for the student.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number are listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Student Verification Of Non-Filing Letter
Spouse Tax Transcript Cover Sheet
If the student is married, they may be selected to verify their spouse’s federal income tax from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Spouse Tax Transcript Cover Sheet" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Use ANY method under the “How to Request an IRS Tax Return Transcript” section on the form to request for the physical/digital transcript from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Review the details based on the best option for their spouse.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number are listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Spouse Tax Transcript Cover Sheet
Spouse Amended Tax (1040X) Return Cover Sheet
The student’s spouse may be selected to verify changes on their federal income taxes since the initial tax filing. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Spouse Amended Tax Return" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Obtain a copy of their spouse’s Amended 1040X AND tax return transcript. Follow the instructions on the form.
- Review the details based on the best option for the spouse.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number are listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Spouse Amended Tax (1040x) Return Cover Sheet
Spouse Verification Of Non-Filing Letter
Students who are married are required to verify their spouse’s income if they did not file taxes or did not earn income must submit the Verification of Non-filing from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Request
- Download the "Spouse Verification of Non-filing" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Use ANY method under the “How to Request a Verification of Non-filing Letter” section on the form to request the physical/digital letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Review the details based on the best option for their spouse.
- Make sure the student's name and ID number are listed on the top right-hand corner of every page of the tax document.
- The student will submit the form with the attached tax document. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Spouse Verification Of Non-Filing Letter
Student Housing Clarification (e-Form)
Students who are requesting an update on their Housing status (i.e., on-campus, off-campus, with parent) for the academic year, should complete the e-form below.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "2024-2025 Student Housing Clarification” (e-Form) below.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Follow the instructions on the form to submit online.
Federal Work Study Request (e-Form)
Students who are interested in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program and was not offered FWS on their financial aid awards can use this form to submit their request. To learn more about the FWS program, visit the Work Study webpage.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "Federal Work Study” (e-Form) below.
- Complete the steps listed on the form and submit it online.
CLOSED: 2024-2025 Federal Work Study (e-Form)
Priority will be given to students who secured a job.
Federal Work-Study Student Employee Hiring Instructions
A resource guide for FWS employees. It will outline the instructions and details for the hiring process with your employer in five steps. Access the Federal Work-Study Student Employee Hiring Instructions below.
2024-2025 Federal Work-Study Student Employee Hiring Instructions
Federal Work-Study Intent-to-Hire (FWS EMPLOYERS ONLY)
If you have signed a 2024-2025 FWS Funding Allocation Form with the FWS Program, then for every FWS student hired you MUST submit an FWS intent-to-hire form. Before submitting the FWS Intent-to-Hire, confirm the student has been awarded FWS for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Student Budget Increase Appeal (e-Form)
The Budget Increase Appeal is offered to students seeking to increase their budget (also known as the Cost of Attendance) due to documented expenses not covered in the standard budget within the school year.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "Budget Increase Appeal" (e-Form) form below.
- Complete the sections listed on the form.
- Gather supporting documentation and attachments for the appeal.
- Complete the steps listed on the form and submit it online.
Official Academic Plan - Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
The Official Academic Plan is associated with the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal. The student will need to identify the course(s) remaining in their degree progress. If required, this form will be requested on the student’s My Sac State account > Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Official Academic Plan for Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the steps listed on the form.
- Obtain the required signatures from the applicable advisors. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Official Academic Plan - Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
Loss of Income for Parent (Dependent Student)
Parent(s) of dependent students are eligible for the Loss of Income Appeal if there has been a change in the family’s financial situation from what was initially reported on the student’s financial aid application. This appeal is typically available starting in July.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Loss of Income for Parent (Dependent Student)" (PDF) form below.
- Complete the sections listed on the form.
- Gather supporting documentation and attachments for the appeal. Use the “Loss of Income Documentation Request form” (PDF) for a list of applicable documents found below.
- The student will submit the form. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
Loss of Income Appeal for Student/Spouse (e-Form)
Students who filed a financial aid application are eligible for a Loss of Income Appeal if there has been a change in their financial situation from what is currently reported on their financial aid application. This appeal is typically available starting in July.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "Loss of Income Appeal for Student/Spouse" (e-Form) form below.
- Complete the sections listed on the form.
- Gather supporting documentation and attachments for the appeal. Use the “Loss of Income Documentation Request form” (PDF) for a list of applicable documents found below.
- Complete the steps listed on the form and submit it online.
Loss of Income for Student/Spouse (e-Form)
Loss of Income Documentation Request Form
This form will serve as a guide to help the student/spouse and parent gather the appropriate documents to support their Loss of Income appeal. It may be attached as a cover sheet to the supporting documentation.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Loss of Income Documentation Request" form below.
- Follow the instructions outlined on the form.
- The student will submit the form and attach all applicable documents. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
- Locate the “Loss of Income Documentation Request form” (PDF) for a list of applicable documents found below.
2024-2025 Loss of Income Documentation Request Form
Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Verification
This form applies to Cal Grant recipients. If a student is required to verify their requirements for Cal Grant, it will be listed on their student account. It will be listed on their Student Center > To Do List in “initiated” status.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Verification" (PDF) form below or directly on the student’s To Do List.
- Complete the sections listed on the form.
- Gather the required documentation as requested.
- Sign and date the form. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form and attach applicable documents. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
2024-2025 Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Verification
Consortium Agreement
The Consortium Agreement is a contract between Sac State and another college institution that will assist with a student's financial eligibility.
Steps to Complete
- Access the "Consortium Agreement" (PDF) form below.
- Complete all sections of the form. For Step 2: Host Campus Certification of Aid must be completed by the Financial Aid Office of the Host campus.
- Sign and date the form. Note: Typed/electronic signatures are not accepted.
- The student will submit the form and required attachments. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.
Corrections Required to your FAFSA
This form serves as a guide to help students make the proper corrections to their FAFSA. These steps apply to teaching credential students who may have incorrectly answered questions regarding their grade level and classification.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Financial Aid & Enrollment Verification" (PDF) form below.
- Review the instructions and take steps to make corrections to your FAFSA.
Third-Party Financial Aid Verification
This form allows the release of the student’s financial aid and enrollment to a third party. The request will entail your financial aid awards, cost of attendance, and academic details (i.e., degree, graduation date, enrollment status) to the requested person(s) or agency.
Steps to Complete
- Download the "Third-Party Financial Aid Verification" (PDF) form below.
- Complete the Third-Party Release section only as outlined.
- Email the completed form to from your CSUS email with “Financial Aid Verification” in the Subject line.
Third-Party Financial Aid Verification
Allow 5-7 business days for the office to process your request. It will be submitted directly to the third-party agency with the contact information listed.
Request for the IRS Verification Of Non-Filling Letter
The parent/student can request for physical copies of their tax documents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using the IRS 4506-T Form. The form can request the following tax documents:
- Account Transcript
- Tax Return Transcript
- Verification of Non-filing
- Form W-2, Form 1099 series, Form 1098, or 5498 series Transcripts
Requesting from the IRS
- Download the current “Form 4506-T" (PDF)
- Complete lines 1a through 4.
- Select the corresponding tax document you are requesting between lines 6 to 8.
- Input the correct tax year in line 9.
- Select the Signatory checkbox.
- Provide the signature of tax payer(s) and phone number.
- Mail or fax the complete document using the instructions outlined on page 2 to the IRS. Do not mail the 4506-T form to the school. We cannot generate a tax document for the taxpayer.
- The student will submit the Letter of Non-filing. Refer to the How to Submit Your Forms section at the top of this webpage for details.